Neuer Blog ĂĽber Windows 7

23. August 2008

Wer sich ĂĽber Windows 7, dem Nachfolger von Windows Vista informieren möchte, kann dies nun in einem neuen Blog tun…

Welcome to our first post on a new blog from Microsoft €”the Engineering Windows 7 blog, or E7 for short. E7 is hosted by the two senior engineering managers for the Windows 7 product, Jon DeVaan and Steven Sinofsky. Jon and Steven, along with members of the engineering team will post, comment, and participate in this blog. …

Our intent is to post €œregularly €. We €™ll watch the comments and we will definitely participate both in comments and potentially in follow-up posts as required. We will make sure that members of the Windows 7 development team represent themselves as such as well. While we want to keep the dialog out in the open, please feel free to use email to should you wish to. In particular, email is a good way to suggest topics we might have a chance to discuss on the blog.

>> Hier geht es zum Blog…

Death Star over San Francisco

23. August 2008

Simon’s Cat in TV Dinner

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Hier geht es zu den anderen Katzen-Cartoons…

Smoke On The Japanese Water

4. Juli 2008

Bilder vom Besuch in Rodheim sind online

18. Juni 2008

Am 29.05.2008 gings fĂĽr ein verlängertes Wochenende nach Rosbach vor der Höhe (Rodheim)…
Nun sind die Bilder online und hier zu finden: Bilder-Homepage